Palestine's use of olive oil

In Palestine, olive oil is more than just a culinary ingredient – it's a way of life. From the sun-drenched olive groves that dot the landscape to the traditional stone mills that extract the golden liquid, olive oil is woven into the fabric of Palestinian culture. For generations, this liquid gold has been the foundation of our cuisine, used generously in everything from savory main dishes to sweet treats. While some may believe that olive oil should be reserved for drizzling or dipping, the truth is that this versatile and flavorful oil is an excellent choice for cooking, imparting its unique richness to every dish it graces.

Makloubah and Blend

Makloubeh, the iconic Palestinian upside-down dish, finds its soul mate in Nazareth's Blend olive oil. This meticulously crafted blend infuses the tender meat, fragrant rice, and caramelized vegetables with rich, complex flavors. As the dish simmers, the olive oil's nuanced aromas mingle with the spices, creating an aromatic tapestry.

Each layer is imbued with the oil's velvety texture, perfectly balancing the varying textures of the ingredients. When inverted, the glistening olive oil allows the vibrant colors and flavors to truly shine. With every bite, the harmonious marriage of Nazareth's Blend and Makloubeh transports you to the heart of Palestinian culinary tradition – a celebration of heritage and passion.

Rumaniyi and Nazareth's Suri

Rumaniyi finds its ultimate complement in the rich, fruity notes of Nazareth's Suri Extracted Olive Oil. As the lentils and rice simmer, the olive oil's distinctive grassiness melds seamlessly with the earthy aromatics. Each spoonful is infused with a velvety texture and balanced by the oil's bright, fruity undertones.

The ancient Suri trees impart a sense of terroir and authenticity, paying homage to Rumaniyi's rich heritage while elevating it. Nazareth's Suri Extracted Olive Oil and this beloved lentil dish are a match celebrating Palestinian cuisine's enduring legacy and the bond between land and people.


We are a Palestinian family-owned collective deeply rooted in our local community, committed to sharing the stories and exquisite products of our farmers.

Our mission is to connect with local farmers, and businesses all around Palestine and share our rich heritage with the world.

Our farmers hail from the vibrant lands of the West Bank and northern Palestine, bringing forth the essence of our rich cultural heritage.

Our order model operates on a Rise Up principle, ensuring we pay above-market rates to support and uplift the local economy. When you support us, and purchase one of the olive oil we have in stock, you help us continue our mission and ensure people of Palestine have a strong economical source.

Every step of our supply chain is built upon Palestinian businesses and individuals, fostering trust and solidarity within our community.

Our inventory is exported to three partnering warehouses in the US, UK, and Germany, enabling us to reach customers worldwide.

Our inventory is stored in prime condition to preserve the quality, ensuring the olive oil purchased to arrive as if it was harvested just now.

Expect swift delivery as we aim to ship out all products within 1-2 business days, ensuring you receive your treasures promptly.

No worries. You can cancel your order and receive a FULL refund by reaching out to us at before receiving your delivery confirmation email.

Rest assured, we value your time. In the rare event of delays, we'll keep you informed every step of the way. If any delays inconvenience you, you have the option to cancel your order and receive a 100% refund.

Make Labaneh

Special Gift With Every Purchase

Our olive oil is shipped to you with a traditional fabric bag, designed to to make Labaneh - one of the best combinations with olive oil

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Our inspiration

Every bottle originates from a distinct Palestinian region, employing a unique extraction method, and narrated by a farmer with a one-of-a-kind story.